Participate in The Virtual En Ka Fair in 2020
What are your favorite En Ka Fair memories? Share pictures or drawings in Facebook and Instagram and please ADD #enkafair2020. Let’s make our hometown tradition a virtual En Ka fair filled with smiles !!!
WinCam will make a mashup video of all pictures submitted before May 17th (closing day of the planned fair)
Funds usually raised during the fair support community programs & services. Please take a peek at the Community Services tab and the Grants tab for details. Consider making a donation here
Social Media
- ·Please use #enkafair2020 for all of your fabulous En Ka Fair photos & videos on social media! Tag us @enkawinchester
Add your pictures on FB & Instagram : now till May 17th
– #enkafair2020 –
Enjoy #enkafair2020 Virtual Fair Videos
En Ka Over the Years (WinCam)
En Ka Fair Posters Over The Years
Virtual En Ka Fair Mashup (WinCam)Follow us on Twitter EnKaSocietyFollow us on Instagram @EnKaWinchester Follow us on Facebook En Ka Society