En Ka Fair Book Tent is accepting donations!!!
PLEASE FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES — No magazines, textbooks, dictionaries, CDs, DVDs, or encyclopedias. All books must be in good condition, so please no damaged / musty / torn books. If YOU would not buy it, please do not donate it! If possible, please have books in boxes that can be closed.
Donation bins are located at St, Mary’s School, 162 Washington Street.
Enter from Washington Street and follow arrows on parking lot. They are on the side of the Wilder School building (big sign).
St. Mary’s has asked that we AVOID any deliveries of donations from Monday until Friday between 8 AM & 8:30 AM and between 2 PM & 2:30 PM as these are their student drop-off and pick-up times. THANK YOU FOR RESPECTING THIS REQUEST. #enkafair2022